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Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Disaster Management

Assalamua’laikum W.r W.b
Hallo guys, for this time, I want share to you about my awesome experience. Last week there was that visited my classroom. His from Kopassus group three. His name was Captain Paulus who shared about disaster management. I really happy can meet like him because I get many experience which it useful.Ok guys, enjoy to read my report text about disaster management.


Disaster management is the discipline of dealing with and  avoiding both natural disaster and man-made disaster. Natural disaster usually caused by natural phenomena meanwhile man-made disaster usually caused by man activities. Beside of that disaster management has cycle with purpose to avoid a disaster, reduce its impact or recover from its losses.

Natural disasters consist earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, floods, landslides and drought. The earthquakes is the result of a sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust that creates seismic waves. Beside of that, earthquakes occur in seabed can cause tsunamis. The mean of tsunamis is long-wave length and long-period sea waves produced by the sudden or abrupt movement of large volumes of water.

As we know, the cyclones same with tornado which it has spiraling winds that rotate with very fast. While floods occur when the water of rivers, lakes or streams over flow their banks and pour onto the surrounding land. The one of cause floods is trash, because of that to overcome it, we must take care our environment with throw trash in garbage. The landslides usually occurs in steep slope. The drought like dry season but it occur in long time.

Disaster management cycle is activities to overcome and prepare ourself to confront disaster. Disaster management may use in prevention disaster( Natural disaster and Man-made disaster). There are four phases of disaster management cycle , such as Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Mitigation. Preparedness is activities prior to a disaster, examples warning systems and emergency exercises. Response is activities during a disaster, examples public warning systems and emergency operations. Recovery is acrivities following a disaster, examples temporary housing, long-term medical care and counseling. Mitigation is activities that reduce the effect of disaster, examples building codes, zoning and vulnerability.

As note. These are some of the general measures to be kept in mind during disaster, such as shout for help or people around might come for help, keep all emergency and important number with you and most important always keep first-aid kit in the house,public/private vehicle and work place.