One piece

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Disaster Management

Assalamua’laikum W.r W.b
Hallo guys, for this time, I want share to you about my awesome experience. Last week there was that visited my classroom. His from Kopassus group three. His name was Captain Paulus who shared about disaster management. I really happy can meet like him because I get many experience which it useful.Ok guys, enjoy to read my report text about disaster management.


Disaster management is the discipline of dealing with and  avoiding both natural disaster and man-made disaster. Natural disaster usually caused by natural phenomena meanwhile man-made disaster usually caused by man activities. Beside of that disaster management has cycle with purpose to avoid a disaster, reduce its impact or recover from its losses.

Natural disasters consist earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, floods, landslides and drought. The earthquakes is the result of a sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust that creates seismic waves. Beside of that, earthquakes occur in seabed can cause tsunamis. The mean of tsunamis is long-wave length and long-period sea waves produced by the sudden or abrupt movement of large volumes of water.

As we know, the cyclones same with tornado which it has spiraling winds that rotate with very fast. While floods occur when the water of rivers, lakes or streams over flow their banks and pour onto the surrounding land. The one of cause floods is trash, because of that to overcome it, we must take care our environment with throw trash in garbage. The landslides usually occurs in steep slope. The drought like dry season but it occur in long time.

Disaster management cycle is activities to overcome and prepare ourself to confront disaster. Disaster management may use in prevention disaster( Natural disaster and Man-made disaster). There are four phases of disaster management cycle , such as Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Mitigation. Preparedness is activities prior to a disaster, examples warning systems and emergency exercises. Response is activities during a disaster, examples public warning systems and emergency operations. Recovery is acrivities following a disaster, examples temporary housing, long-term medical care and counseling. Mitigation is activities that reduce the effect of disaster, examples building codes, zoning and vulnerability.

As note. These are some of the general measures to be kept in mind during disaster, such as shout for help or people around might come for help, keep all emergency and important number with you and most important always keep first-aid kit in the house,public/private vehicle and work place.

Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

How To Strengthen Memory

How To Strengthen Memory

Hallo, I want to give you the instruction how to strengthen memory. This is method I can find from my teacher extracurricular tutorial lesson. Her name is Muhammad Firdaus Arma Handaka, but I usually call her name is Karma. Firstly, You do repetitions, we can do it because we get used to. Secondly, you involve emotion, that’s mean while you get information, you make it become words game so that you can remember it in your mind. Thirdly,strengthens back, if you have just write something, you can make it become interest, maybe you can use highlighter or colored markers. Fourthly, considers it important things. This is one of secret which strengthen my mind, because if I get information, I will make keywords from it. So I can remember it with easy. Finally you involves all the senses, the thing I am most grateful is that I have a lot of Allah-given senses. As gratitude, whenever I get the information I will focus on the visualization of color, movement, rhythm or smell of that information. Okay guys, I hope you can follow this instruction with commitment if you want it work.
 This is Me with Karma

Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

How To Make Birth Certificate

How To Make Birth Certificate

The soulmate who just married surely want to have a child. While their child born in the world, they will make birth certificate as physical evidence for government. Beside of that birth certificate useful for their children, such as necessary of school, enter to work,etc. If you don’t know how to make birth certificate, don’t worry, I can explain to you about it. Fortunately, my grandfather as neighborhood association in my enviroment. So I can ask anything about it to him with easy. He said to me, the first thing you do is complete all condition to make birth certificate, such as an escort from  neighborhood association(RT) and citizens association(RW), a letter of birth from hospital, the photo copies of family card, Identity card’s husband and Identity card’s wife, a marriage book and two identity cards of witnes. Next you bring all condition to government office. Then you wait it during two days. The last thing you do is go to government office again to take birth certificate and finished. I hope this instruction facilitate all of you.                                                          
This Me and my Grandfather

How To Take Wudhu Water

How To Take Wudhu Water

The moslem peoples who pray must take wudhu water. Because the wudhu water become one of condition to pray. So that if you want to pray with perfect, you must take wudhu water with perfect too. Here, I want share to you how to take it with right and appropriate with condition of moslem. I ask my grandmother too about it, she remember to me, before to take wudhu water we must wash anything in our body from defiling filth. Firstly you read “BISMILLAHIRRAHMAANIR-RAHIM”, while you wash hand until wrist with clean. Secondly, you rinse the mouth as much as three times. Thirdly, you wash nostrils as much as three times. Fourthly, you wash face start from the grow place hair of the head until the bottom of chin and from ears right to left while intend of wudhu : 

Fifth, you wash both hands until elbow as much as three times. Sixth, you wipe hair as much as three times. Seventh, you wipe ears as much as three times. Finally, you wash foot until ankles as much as three times and finished. I hope this article can useful...Allahuakbar... 

This is Me and my Grandmother

Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

How To Open A Durian

How To Open A Durian

The surround of durian have many thron and sharp even if not easy to open it, many people still looking and liking the durian because the flesh of durian is very delicious when you taste it. Of course myself and my uncle like a durian. Beside of that, to open a durian isn't same to open citrus fruit, it have method. So you can open it easier. My uncle have skilled to open a durian, He said to me that the fisrt thing you do is prepare a knife and a rag. Next, you hold a durian use rag so that you don't get hurt because thorn of durian. Then you rotate a durian from top to bottom. After that, you chop peel with knife from the middle and you also chop it appropriate structure of durian become some part. The function of this is to give you a way, so that you can open a durian easier. The last thing you do is open it from the middle with your hand and finished. This is easy, isn't? Good luck guys...
This is me with my uncle ;)